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Citizen Science Photo Contest – Spring Flowers

Send us your photos for a chance to win! This month’s Citizen Science Photo Contest theme is spring flowers. The best photos of the month may be featured in a virtual exhibition. The first week after the contest ends each month the winner will be announced via Facebook. Observations may be submitted all month long […]

Children’s Museum Week

Children's Museum Week activities will take place from  9–11 a.m. and from 1–3 p.m. South Carolina’s Week of Children’s Museums has begun! Join us for activities celebrating young children and how children’s museums can shape their lives in a positive way.

Miocene drop-in: Armadillos on the Move!

Have you seen a wild armadillo in your backyard or crossing the street? If you have, your eyes are not deceiving you! What kind of animal are they and why are they showing up here? Make a paper plate armadillo; learn about their origin, some myths surrounding them, and why they are on the move.