Settlemyre Planetarium

Museum of York County

Current Public Show Descriptions

Upcoming Public Shows

Astronomy Events

The Settlemyre Planetarium is a fully digital, full-dome planetarium at the Museum of York County, offering programs on a wide variety of scientific topics. Join us and journey from the Carolina Skies to beyond the Milky Way!

Current Public Show Descriptions  

Carolina Skies 
A live seasonal program that explores and explains what is currently visible in our nighttime skies.  From planets to stars to constellations, visitors of all ages can learn how to identify features in our Carolina Skies.

The modern hunt for exoplanets is an adventure that began in the 20th century. It continues today as astronomers use both ground- and space-based observatories to find planets around other stars. Ultimately, this great age of discovery could lead to the detection of life beyond our solar system. This show tells the story of our search for alien worlds.

Flight Adventures
Dreams of flying, model aircraft and a young girl and her grandfather come together in this multi- media planetarium show about the science of aeronautics. Learn about famous inventors and aviators of the past and the pioneers who first revealed the 4 forces of flight. See images of aircraft past, present and future and imagine where flight might take us.

Upcoming Public Shows


Remember, ALL planetarium programs are FREE with museum admission!

3:30 PM: Exoplanets (Now – Feb. 28)

3:30 PM: Exoplanets (Now – Feb. 28)

11 AM: Flight Adventures (Now – March 1)
2 PM: Carolina Skies 
3:30 PM: Exoplanets (Now – Feb. 28)

Specials Shows:
• Red Planet Rising (Jan. 25 at 11 AM)
• Skies Over Hogwarts (Feb. 8 throughout the day)
• CAPCOM GO! The Apollo Story! (Feb. 15 at 11 AM)

Monday: Closed

Show schedules are subject to change without notice.

If you would like to schedule a group for the planetarium, please contact 803.981.9182 or

Coming Soon

3:30 PM: Ice Worlds (March 1 – May 24)

3:30 PM: Ice Worlds (March 1 – May 24)

11 AM: In My Backyard (March 1 – May 24)

2 PM: Carolina Skies 
3:30 PM: Ice Worlds (March 1 – May 24)

Astronomy Events 

Carolina Skygazers Astronomy Club Meeting
The Carolina Skygazers Astronomy Club meets the second Tuesday of every month, except December, at 7:30 pm. We would love to have you join us!

The Museum doors open at 7 pm. Exhibits and all other spaces except for meeting areas are closed.

Meetings of the Carolina Skygazers are always free for members and prospective members.

For their latest news and events follow the Carolina Skygazers Facebook page (



Carolina Skygazers Meeting

The Carolina Skygazers Astronomy Club meets the second Tuesday of every month, except December, at 7:30 pm. We would love to have you join us!



Mysteries of Mars

The planet Mars has mystified mankind for many years, and by the mid-2030s we might land humans on its surface! Join us for activities and a special planetarium show designed to help you learn more about the Red Planet. You can even make your very own space shuttle to take home!



Carolina Skygazers Meeting

The Carolina Skygazers Astronomy Club meets the second Tuesday of every month, except December, at 7:30 pm. We would love to have you join us!

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